BMW M6 Convertible
There is much weight in relative terms, if we consider that this is a convertible four-seater with V10 engine. A Mercedes-Benz SL 600, which is a two-seater, smaller, has V12 engine and folding hardtop, weighs 2,045 kg.

BMW M6 Convertible
The relationship between weight and power of the BMW M6 Convertible, which has the same 507 hp engine that the coupe is 3.9 kg / hp, 3.5 in the coupe. The consequent loss of benefits and increasing consumption is not large (comparative tab).

BMW M6 Convertible
The drag factor increases of 0.69 to 0.73 sq metres (less than six percent). While in relative terms the numbers are not bad M6, which runs a car that is still a sports pass two tons.

BMW M6 Convertible
The M6 coupe, unlike other BMW M, has some brakes capable of withstanding harsh treatment (although not any harsh treatment). Discs of BMW M6 Convertible have the same diameter than the coupe, and the information he has given BMW, there seems to be no other differences.
BMW M6 Convertible
It remains to be seen whether the strength of BMW M6 Convertible is the same as the coupe, the braking capacity need not be lower due to weight gain.

BMW M6 Convertible
The M6 coupe is a car relatively agile for their size. What is more than a Mercedes-Benz CL and less than a Porsche 911. The situation may be more demanding for the M6 on a road where agility is abrupt changes are necessary support. There, although the car has a remarkable capacity to track the steering wheel, is where you see more clearly that it lacks the agility of cars smaller and lighter, like a 911.
BMW M6 Convertible Interior

BMW M6 Convertible
We led the BMW M6 Convertible, but it will be difficult, with the weight gain, not being noticed more changes in this lack of support. According to BMW, Nurburgring circuit 'this convertible model is capable of making quick turns very similar to the coupe. "
BMW M6 Convertible Engine

BMW M6 Convertible
The body of the BMW M6 Convertible has some external elements similar to those of coupe, such as bumpers, which give a length slightly different from that of other 6 Series convertible.
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